Wedding Vows to Make Her Cry

Wedding vows are a special moment when the couple declares their love and commitment to each other. They are the heartfelt promises two people make to each other and are a significant part of the wedding day.

When the vows are spoken, emotions run high, and there are often tears of joy, love, and happiness. While traditionally, the groom has to come up with the perfect vows to impress his bride, in this blog, we will focus on wedding vows for her that make you cry.

Whether you’re the bride or the groom, we’ve compiled a list of heartfelt and emotional wedding vows that will make you shed a tear or two. From sweet and romantic vows to traditional vows with a modern twist, these wedding vows for her will create a memorable moment you and your partner will cherish forever.

Sweet Wedding Vows for Him

Sweet wedding vows are a way to express your love, commitment, and devotion to your partner on your special day. They are heartfelt and emotional and can leave a lasting impression on your loved one.

Writing sweet wedding vows can be challenging, but creating a beautiful moment that you and your partner will cherish forever is worth the effort. Here are some suggestions for sweet wedding vows that will make her cry:

  1. “My love, today I take you as my partner for life. I vow to cherish you, love you, and support you through thick and thin. I promise to be your rock and your safe haven, always and forever.”
  2. “From this day forward, I promise to be your faithful husband, to stand by you in joy and in sorrow, to love you unconditionally, and to grow old with you. You are my soulmate, my best friend, and my forever love.”
  3. “My beloved, I pledge to be your partner in all things, to hold your hand through life’s ups and downs, and to be your constant companion. I promise to respect you, honor you, and cherish you as long as I live.”
  4. “Today, I make a solemn vow to love you with all my heart, to support you in your dreams, and to be your truest friend. I promise to share my life with you and to grow together in love and happiness.”
  5. “As I stand here today, I promise to be your husband, your confidant, and your soulmate. I vow to listen to you, support you, and stand by you always. You are my heart, my soul, and my everything.”
  6. “My dearest love, I pledge to love you, cherish you, and honor you for all time. I promise to be your best friend, your partner in life, and your soulmate. You are the light of my life and the love of my heart.”
  7. “I promise to be your faithful husband, to love you unconditionally, and to be your rock in times of need. I vow to support you in your dreams and to be your partner in all things. You are the love of my life, and I am blessed to have you by my side.”
  8. “I pledge to be your loving husband, to support you in all your endeavors, and to stand by you through thick and thin. I promise to respect you, cherish you, and love you always.”
  9. “My darling, I vow to be your partner in life, to share in your joys and sorrows, and to be your rock when you need me. I promise to love you, cherish you, and be your faithful husband for all time.”
  10. “I promise to be your faithful husband, to love and cherish you always, and to be your constant support. I pledge to be your best friend, your soulmate, and your partner in all things. You are the love of my life, and I am blessed to have you as my husband.”

Romantic Wedding Vows to Make Her Cry

Romantic vows are a way to show how deeply and passionately you love your spouse. They can add even more poignancy to your special day because they are poetic and heartfelt.

Writing romantic vows can be difficult, but they are a lovely way to express your love and dedication to your spouse. Here are some examples of romantic vows for him that will make her cry tears of joy:

  1. My love, from this day forward, I promise to love you with every fiber of my being. I vow to cherish you, honor you, and make you feel cherished every day of our lives together.
  2. As I stand here before you, I promise to love you more with each passing day. I will be your partner in all things, your confidant, and your best friend. I vow to be your faithful husband and to love you always.
  3. My dearest love, I promise to love you without reservation, to be your safe harbor in life’s storms, and to be your constant companion. I vow to be your faithful husband and to love you now and forevermore.
  4. From this day forward, I promise to be your loving partner, to hold your hand through life’s journey, and to be your soulmate forever. I vow to love you, cherish you, and support you always.
  5. My beloved, I vow to love you with all my heart, to be your loyal and devoted husband, and to cherish you forever. You are the light of my life, and I am honored to be your partner.
  6. I promise to be your faithful husband, to love you unconditionally, and to be your constant source of support. I vow to cherish you, honor you, and be your partner in all things.
  7. My darling, I pledge to love you, cherish you, and be your faithful husband for all time. I vow to stand by you in all things and to be your constant source of strength and support.
  8. Today, I pledge my heart and my soul to you. I vow to be your faithful partner, to love you more each day, and to be your rock through life’s joys and challenges.
  9. My love, I promise to be your devoted husband, to love you unconditionally, and to be your partner in all things. I vow to support you in your dreams, to lift you up in times of need, and to be your truest friend and companion.
  10. As we stand here before our loved ones, I promise to be your loving husband, your confidant, and your soulmate. I vow to be your partner in all things, to love you always, and to make every moment we spend together as romantic and special as the day we met.

Funny Wedding Vows to Make Her Cry

Funny wedding vows are a great way to add lightheartedness and humor to your special day. They can make you and your partner more carefree and enjoyable while producing a humorous moment everyone will remember.

Writing funny vows can be difficult, but with the right balance of fun and sincerity, you can make a priceless moment to enhance the significance of your special day. Here are some examples of funny vows for him that will make everyone laugh:

  1. “My dearest love, I promise to love you more than pizza, even on the days when I really, really want pizza. I vow to be your partner in all things and to make you laugh every day.”
  2. “As your husband, I vow to keep the toilet seat down, to never hog the remote, and to always remember our anniversary (or at least pretend like I did). I promise to love you always and to be your faithful companion.”
  3. “My love, I promise to be your partner in crime, your partner in laughter, and your partner in love. I vow to make every day an adventure and to cherish you always.”
  4. “As we embark on this journey together, I vow to be your partner in all things, your cheerleader in life, and your personal comedian. I promise to make you smile, laugh, and forget all your troubles.”
  5. “My darling, I vow to always be the peanut butter to your jelly, the mac to your cheese, and the milk to your cookie. I promise to be your loving husband, your best friend, and your partner in all things.”
  6. “From this day forward, I promise to be your partner in all things, to love you more than coffee (which is really saying something), and to never leave the toilet seat up (or at least try not to).”
  7. “My love, I promise to be your faithful husband, your partner in all things, and your personal comedian. I vow to make you laugh until your sides hurt and to be your constant source of joy.”
  8. “As your husband, I vow to love you more than chocolate, to be your partner in all things, and to always keep our home stocked with snacks. I promise to be your loving companion and to make every day as sweet as you are.”
  9. “My darling, I vow to be your partner in all things, to love you more than tacos (which is a lot), and to always keep you laughing. I promise to be your faithful husband, your best friend, and your confidant.”
  10. “As we start this new chapter together, I vow to be your partner in all things, your personal comedian, and your loving husband. I promise to make every day an adventure and to always have a funny joke or two up my sleeve.”

Traditional Vows for Him

Traditional wedding vows are a classic way to express love, commitment, and devotion to your partner. They are timeless and enduring, and they can create a sense of connection to the long history of marriage and commitment.

Writing traditional vows can be a straightforward process, but it’s crucial to personalize them to make them meaningful to you and your partner. Here are some examples of traditional vows for him that will make your wedding day unique and special:

  1. “I, [Name], take you, [Partner’s Name], to be my lawfully wedded spouse. I promise to love you, cherish you, and honor you in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, until death do us part.”
  2. “I, [Name], take you, [Partner’s Name], to be my husband. I vow to love, honor, and cherish you, to be faithful to you, and to support you in all things.”
  3. “I, [Name], take you, [Partner’s Name], to be my lawfully wedded husband. I promise to love you, to respect you, and to stand by you in all things, for as long as we both shall live.”
  4. “I, [Name], take you, [Partner’s Name], to be my husband. I vow to love you, to honor you, and to be faithful to you in all things, as we build a life together.”
  5. “I, [Name], take you, [Partner’s Name], to be my husband. I vow to love you, to cherish you, and to honor you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.”
  6. “I, [Name], take you, [Partner’s Name], to be my husband. I promise to love you, to respect you, and to be your partner in all things, as we embark on this journey together.”
  7. “I, [Name], take you, [Partner’s Name], to be my lawfully wedded spouse. I promise to love you, to honor you, and to cherish you, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, until death do us part.”
  8. “I, [Name], take you, [Partner’s Name], to be my husband. I vow to love you, to honor you, and to be your faithful partner, as we share our lives together.”
  9. “I, [Name], take you, [Partner’s Name], to be my lawfully wedded husband. I promise to love you, to cherish you, and to be your partner in all things, as we build a life together.”
  10. “I, [Name], take you, [Partner’s Name], to be my husband. I vow to love you, to respect you, and to honor you, as we journey through life together, for as long as we both shall live.”


Wedding vows are a beautiful way to express your love and commitment to your partner on your special day. Whether you’re the bride or the groom, exchanging vows is a momentous occasion that can bring tears to your eyes.

It’s a moment where you declare your love and devotion to each other, and the words spoken during this time will be remembered forever. In this blog, we’ve provided you with a list of wedding vows for her that will make you cry.

These heartfelt and emotional vows will help you create a moment that you and your partner will always cherish.

So, whether you’re looking for sweet and romantic vows, funny vows, or traditional vows with a modern twist, we hope this list has inspired you to create the perfect vows for your special day.

Remember, your wedding vows reflect your love for each other, so be true to your feelings and let your heart guide you as you write your vows.

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